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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Categorized | Money

This One Thing Will Ruin Barack Obama

A few big moves stand out in Barack Obama’s Presidency.

  • The $800 billion stimulus plan passed in 2009
  • The $5 trillion in debt accumulation—the most of any President in history
  • The passage of Obamacare… the assassination of Osama Bin Laden… and huge tax increases

But Porter Stansberry – one of the most widely-read financial journalists in America – says these events are nothing compared to the next big surprise that could devastate Obama’s legacy.

Porter is the founder of Stansberry & Associates, a financial research firm in Maryland. Today, he is making available a free video presentation that gives you his analysis of this situation.

The End of Obama: A Stansberry & Associates Special Presentation
Over the years, Porter has published research that predicted the downfall of certain companies, and even entire industries.

For example, he accurately described in detail – and well in advance – the collapse of such institutions as GM, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac, just to name a few.

More recently, Porter predicted the bankruptcy of Detroit, detailing the collapse of the city with a series of essays dating back to 2009.

Now Porter says there’s a shocking surprise working its way through the Obama administration. In the free video we’re making available below, he reveals how this one event could single-handedly ruin Barack Obama’s Presidency… and perhaps even his entire career.

Even if Porter is only half right, this situation will have a dramatic impact not only on Barack Obama, but also everyone else in this country.

Note: For a limited time, Stansberry & Associates is making The End of Obama video presentation available at no charge. We strongly encourage you to check out this important analysis. We believe it will be worth your time, and a real eye-opener.