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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Archive | Money

Are You an Undiscovered Stock Market Expert

Are You an Undiscovered Stock Market Expert

Do you know the stock market better than those “Experts” you see on TV? Now it’s time to Make It Official. Predictagram is the new community-driven platform where you can predict the market in real time while competing with other undiscovered experts around the world. Predictagram lets you make your stock market predictions on the […]

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Home Improvements That Really Do Pay Off

Home Improvements That Really Do Pay Off

We all know updating your home can pay off in big ways—increasing resale value, making it more energy efficient and making it a better place to live. Here are 10 ways to instantly add value to your home and make it a buyer’s first choice.   Give your Kitchen Some Love Kitchens are a big […]

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Finding Fulfilling Work After You Retire

Finding Fulfilling Work After You Retire

Just because you’ve retired doesn’t mean you want to give up working all together. Many people spend years planning (and waiting) for retirement, but once it actually arrives they often find themselves bored after a few weeks. More and more retirees will find themselves back in the job market looking for full or at least […]

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A new solution to growing your small business

For busy manufacturers, it only takes one customer who is late with payments to set in motion a cycle of decreased cash flow that can preclude the timely payment of salaries, suppliers, bills, rent, and other business expenses. Companies that are relatively new or ones without a solid credit history don’t always have the luxury […]

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Tips for Getting the Best Available Mortgage

Mortgages rates may not be as low as they were a few years back but they have stayed at a surprisingly low level. The average rate is about 4.14% at the moment, this is great compared to the 6%+ rates of the last decade. Keeping this in mind, ‘now’ makes for a great time to […]

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Debt consolidation services answer consumers' needs

Debt consolidation services answer consumers’ needs

A staggering number of Americans are being crushed by debt these days. The economy continues to struggle in its quest for steadier ground, and that has left consumers pondering ways to pay off their credit cards and loans. Many displaced workers are without jobs and a lot of others are now under-employed, having seen their […]

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How Americans in Debt Can Get Their Lives Back

How Americans in Debt Can Get Their Lives Back

America’s national debt crisis has been in the headlines a lot over the last five years or so, and, for many consumers, that predicament has hit home. A growing number of consumers are experiencing their own debt crisis. If your own credit quagmire has reached the point where you are receiving harassing calls from creditors […]

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Make $1000′s Per Day with Penny Stocks?

Make $1000′s Per Day with Penny Stocks?

(function() { window.conversion_pixel=”″; })(); How many times have you wished you could have invested in some of today’s biggest stocks back when they were available for pennies on the dollar? The majority of Americans today find it almost impossible to invest in stock in their favorite companies because they simply cost too much money. For […]

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Tips to Getting the Cheapest Airline Flights

After interviewing 10 travel agents in the area, we’ve compiled the very best tips for finding the cheapest flights. Book your flight 21 days before you want to fly: Booking a flight is like playing a game of chicken. Airlines want to get the most money possible for their tickets and have sophisticated computer algorithms […]

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Finding the best credit card for YOUR needs

Lots of people think negatively about credit cards but they can be an incredible useful financial tool, if used correctly. Many cards provide travel insurance, identity protection, reward points, cash-back, and more. If you carry a balance, your number one goal should be to get the lowest interest-rate possible. If you make monthly payments, then […]

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