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Friday, September 20, 2024
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This Easy At-Home Test could Save your Life Foods That Increase Energy at the Gym Must Visit Locations in South America Home Improvements That Really Do Pay Off
This Easy At-Home Test could Save your Life

This Easy At-Home Test could Save your Life

If you are 45 or older, it’s never been easier to get tested for the #2 cause of cancer death in the US.  Colon cancer will affect one out of 24 Americans and, unfortunately, many people have poor outcomes due to delayed diagnosis. The good news is that a new physician-founded company, Convena Health, is […]

Foods That Increase Energy at the Gym

Foods That Increase Energy at the Gym

The best way to increase energy at the gym is getting at least eight hours of sleep per night and having a stress-free day, but let’s be honest that never happens. So if you are like the rest of us you are looking for other ways to boost your energy at the gym without the […]

Must Visit Locations in South America

Must Visit Locations in South America

An often under visited continent, South America has so much to offer any type of traveler, from novice to someone who’s been around the world. South America has everything to offer from culture and art to adventure and history, there is literally something for everyone. So if you are planning a vacation soon and want […]

Home Improvements That Really Do Pay Off

Home Improvements That Really Do Pay Off

We all know updating your home can pay off in big ways—increasing resale value, making it more energy efficient and making it a better place to live. Here are 10 ways to instantly add value to your home and make it a buyer’s first choice.   Give your Kitchen Some Love Kitchens are a big […]

Are You Entitled to Compensation?

December 18, 2023

Roundup Herbicide Cancer Lawsuit Did you use RoundUp around your home or at work? If you’ve been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma following your RoundUp use, you might be entitled to significant compensation. Billions have been awarded to individuals who have been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma after their repeated exposure to RoundUp. If you’ve been exposed […]

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Are You Entitled to Compensation?

December 6, 2023

Roundup Herbicide Cancer Lawsuit Did you use RoundUp around your home or at work? If you’ve been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma following your RoundUp use, you might be entitled to significant compensation. Billions have been awarded to individuals who have been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma after their repeated exposure to RoundUp. If you’ve been exposed […]

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Posted in Health0 Comments

Are You an Undiscovered Stock Market Expert

Are You an Undiscovered Stock Market Expert

April 18, 2023

Do you know the stock market better than those “Experts” you see on TV? Now it’s time to Make It Official. Predictagram is the new community-driven platform where you can predict the market in real time while competing with other undiscovered experts around the world. Predictagram lets you make your stock market predictions on the […]

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This Easy At-Home Test could Save your Life

This Easy At-Home Test could Save your Life

January 4, 2022

If you are 45 or older, it’s never been easier to get tested for the #2 cause of cancer death in the US.  Colon cancer will affect one out of 24 Americans and, unfortunately, many people have poor outcomes due to delayed diagnosis. The good news is that a new physician-founded company, Convena Health, is […]

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Posted in Featured, Health, Men, Women0 Comments

Foods That Increase Energy at the Gym

Foods That Increase Energy at the Gym

September 22, 2019

The best way to increase energy at the gym is getting at least eight hours of sleep per night and having a stress-free day, but let’s be honest that never happens. So if you are like the rest of us you are looking for other ways to boost your energy at the gym without the […]

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Posted in Featured, Health0 Comments

Going Bald? Some Tips on Boosting What Hair You Have Left!

Going Bald? Some Tips on Boosting What Hair You Have Left!

September 15, 2019

Everyone has an attachment to their hair and losing it can be one of the most difficult uncontrollable situations to come to grips with. In today’s hectic lifestyle and work-related stress, hair loss is becoming noticeable early on. Instead of instantly resorting to over-the-counter solutions or chemical treatments, trying some holistic home remedies for hair […]

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Posted in Men0 Comments

Must Visit Locations in South America

Must Visit Locations in South America

September 10, 2019

An often under visited continent, South America has so much to offer any type of traveler, from novice to someone who’s been around the world. South America has everything to offer from culture and art to adventure and history, there is literally something for everyone. So if you are planning a vacation soon and want […]

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Posted in Featured, Travel0 Comments

Home Improvements That Really Do Pay Off

Home Improvements That Really Do Pay Off

September 10, 2019

We all know updating your home can pay off in big ways—increasing resale value, making it more energy efficient and making it a better place to live. Here are 10 ways to instantly add value to your home and make it a buyer’s first choice.   Give your Kitchen Some Love Kitchens are a big […]

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Finding Fulfilling Work After You Retire

Finding Fulfilling Work After You Retire

September 10, 2019

Just because you’ve retired doesn’t mean you want to give up working all together. Many people spend years planning (and waiting) for retirement, but once it actually arrives they often find themselves bored after a few weeks. More and more retirees will find themselves back in the job market looking for full or at least […]

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Most Toxic Places on Earth

September 5, 2019

The consequences of an ever expanding population, the demand for industrialized commodities, and the ignorance of how these activities asphyxiates nature and its creatures must be brought to light now more than ever. Climate change is a snowball effect; the longer humanity waits to remedy the situation, the worse the predicament gets. Here are 5 […]

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